More of the Vampire Slang Glossary

The elders typically use these phrases. One word of advice - use these words carefully.
For one slip of the tongue can cost you.

A-B | C-D | F-L | M-P | R-T |

Old Form

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The act of consuming another Kindred's blood (q.v. Diablerie).

A "proven" vampire, between the elders and the neonates.

A member of the dreaded Third Generation, one of the eldest Kindred in existence.

A vampire in the retinue of a justicar. Archons are generally nomadic in nature, frequently pursuing Kindred who have fled to avoid persecution at the hands of the Camarilla.

A Kindred who remains outside the larger vampire society of a given city and often refuses to acknowledge the claim of a prince.

Blood Oath
The blood bond (vide).

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A vampire; a member of the race of Caine.

The bovine masses of humanity, especially the uncultured and unsavory. The Canaille are viewed primarily as a source of sustenance.

A vampire who feeds exclusively on sleeping victims.

Literally, "of the same blood", especially with reference to lineage. Usage: That vampire is consanguineous of Hardestadt the Elder, his childe.

A vampire who avoids killing when delivering the Kiss; one who takes so little blood as to avoid bringing about his prey's death.

A ghoul's master; one who feeds him blood and issues him commands.

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One who feeds from derelicts and other chaff of society. Footpads are frequently debased and may not maintain permanent havens.

A Kindred who preys at nightclubs, bars, and other establishments of the "red-light district", where mortals engage in reverie.

A fabled state of vampiric transcendence; the true mastery of the Beast and balance of opposing urges and principles. Rumored to be similar to mortal Nirvana, Golconda is greatly touted but rarely achieved.

The extent to which a Kindred still maintains his humanity.

A term for mortals, largely contemptuous. The phrase Kindred and kine refers to the world at large; everything.

A human who drinks vampire blood, yet acknowledges no master.

The code of the Kindred and the system for punishing transgression. It suggests Hammurabian or Biblical justice-an eye for an eye, and punishment in keeping with the grievance.

A vampire's bloodline; the Kindred's sire, sire's sire, etc.

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A vampire who has existed for a millennium or more; and elder who no longer exists among the greater whole of Kindred society. Methuselahs are rumored to hail from the Fourth and Fifth Generations.

A young Kindred, recently Embraced.

A vampire who builds a mortal cult around himself, in the interests of gaining sustenance. As the millennium approaches and passes, Osiris cults become increasingly common.

The red-light district; the area of town punctuated by drinking establishments, brothels, gambling houses, and other locales of ill repute. The prime hunting grounds of a city, where the disappearance of mortals goes hand in hand with the area's general seediness.

All of a given vampire's childer, collectively. Less formal, and less flattering, is Get.

The right of princes to govern; the prince's claim to domain. This term also refers to the prince's matters of policy and individual edicts and motions.

The leaders in a given city; its ruling body of elders, typically composed of one member from each clan present in a city.

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A Kindred who holds a blood bond over another.

A human who serves a vampiric master. This term is almost archaic, referring to a time when vampires kept vast entourages of mortal servants as part of their estates.

A vampire who seduces mortals in order to drink from them, and then only takes a small quantity of blood, so as to avoid killing them.

The rumored epiphany experienced just prior to the attainment of Golconda.

Third Mortal
Caine, who was cast out and became the First Vampire.

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